
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Wednesday 20160615

WOD: 30 minute AMRAP
            20 double crunch sit ups
            50 meter sprint
            10 box jump burpees*
            50 meter sprint
**** this workouts meant to be performed outside so use anything that's elevated off the ground

Tuesday 20160614

"Army Strong" (For the Army's birthday)
60 minute AMRAP
17 power cleans at 135lbs
75 air squats
Break down the bar and carry each piece 200 meters rebuild the bar and start a new round

Friday, June 10, 2016

Friday 20160610

Warm up: 500m row, 25 over/ unders, 25 push ups, 15 power jumps(K2E)

WOD: 100ea  (Alternating)
Power snatch @ 75/50#
Burpee bar hop

Thursday 20160609

WOD: 20 min AMRAP
10 KB Swings @ 53/35#
25m single arm waiters carry @ 53/35#
100m dash
25m single arm waiters carry @ 53/35# (alt arm)
15 KB Russian twist @53/35# +r=1)

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wednesday 20160608

WOD: 25 minute AMRAP
             5 deadlifts 65% max
           10 feet handstand walk
           15 sprinter toe touches (L+R=1)
           10 feet handstand walk

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday 20160607

WOD 1: 6 rounds
                 9 abmat sit ups
                 6 wall ball squat clean over the shoulder (L+R=1)
                 6 handstand push ups
 Rest 5 minutes then....
 WOD 2: 10 down to 1
                Push press (135/95lbs)
                Pull ups