
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Monday 20160201

Warm up : 20 push ups, 20 sit ups, 20 over/ unders
Skill: 10 × 50yrd sprints
WOD: 6 rds of
12 C2B Pull ups
18 Knees 2 Bar

Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday 20160129

Warm up : 50 air squats, 25 push ups, 25 sit ups
1600m  Row
80 HR push ups
80 Abmat sit ups
800m Run
40 Pull ups
20 Hang snatches @ 95/50#

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Thursday 20160128

Warm up : 500m row, 50 Double unders,  50 air squats
WOD: 15 min AMRAP
18 Box jumps @ 24/20"
12 Wallball shots @ 20/16#
6   Front squats @ 135/105#

Wednesday 20160127

Warm up: 25 burpees, 500m row
Skill: olympic/power lifting movements
WOD: 6 rds of
12 SDHP @ 95/65#
12 Evil wheels

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday 20160126

Warm up: 25 GHDs, 25 over/unders
WOD : 21-18-15-12-9-6-3

Handstand Pushups

Monday, January 25, 2016


Warm up: stretch shoulders and abs
     WOD: 3 rounds
                 10 kettle bell over head squats (L+R=2) at 53/35lbs
                 10 kettle bell swings
                 10 Pull ups
                 10 knees to elbows 

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Go back to 20150121 and try and beat your time

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Warm up: focus on stretching your shoulders
     WOD: 5 rounds
                 15 bench press (135/95lbs)
                 10 close grip chin ups (underhand
        **** Rest THEN****
                 4 rounds
                 250 meter row
                   25 push ups 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Warm Up: 500 meter row, 20 over/unders WARM UP PROPERLY TO LIFT HEAVY
     WOD: 4 rounds
                 400 meter run
                   25 meter overhead walk (With bodyweight OR 80% max clean&press)

Monday, January 18, 2016


Warm up: make sure to focus on your shoulders and legs
     WOD: 21-15-9
                 Deadlifts (275/205lbs)
                 Ring dips

Friday, January 15, 2016


Warm Up: today's WOD has heavy weights so make sure you warm your body up properly
     WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
                  3 power cleans (175/125lbs)
                  7 box jumps (30/24 inches)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


     WOD: 14.5 (From the 2014 Crossfit Open)
                 Squat thrusters (95/65lbs)
                 Bar facing burpees


Warm Up: 250 meter row, 25 GHD sit ups, 25 air squats
      WOD: 20 minute AMRAP
                  10 single arm dumbbell snatches (L+R=2)
                  25 meter waiters/ farmers carry
                  10 kettle bell swings
                  25 meter waiters/ farmers carry
      * Post rounds and weights used*
                               5 C2B pull ups
                               5 ring dips

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Warm up: stretch your shoulders and abs
       Skill: work on inverted burpees
     WOD: 10 Rounds
                 10 Toes to Bar
                 30 Double Unders (60 singles, 30 bar hops)

Friday, January 8, 2016


Warm Up: 250 meter row, 10 burpees, 5 handstand push ups
      WOD: EMOTM ascending reps
                  Snatches at 95/75lbs
                  1st minute -1 rep
                  2nd minute-2 reps
                  3rd minute -3 reps
 Post the last completed time and reps

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


THROWBACK THURSDAY!!!!!! Spend this day to catch up on WODs you missed earlier this week or do past WODs to try and do better.


Warm up: 400 meter run, 20 Romanian deadlifts (95/75lbs), 10 Toes to Bars
  WOD 1: 3 Rounds
                500 meter row
                  25 GHDs (or abmat sit ups)
                  25 hip extensions (or supermans)
     REST: 5 minutes THEN
  WOD 2: 15 minute AMRAP
                  5 dumbbell up right rows (L+R=1)
                10 meter dumbbell overhead walk
                  5 dumbbell squat thrusters
                10 meter dumbbell overhead walk
 NOTES: spend time prior to WOD 2 to find a good weight to do for the Dumbbells 

Monday, January 4, 2016


Warm up: 100 jump rope, 25 air squats, 25 push ups, 25 over/unders
       Skill: 3-3-3 overhead squats with a 5 second pause at the bottom
                 3-3-3 front squats with a 5 second pause at the bottom
     WOD: Hero WOD "BAZ"
                 30min AMRAP
                  30 double unders
                    8 squat cleans (155/110lbs)
                  11 hand release push ups

*Scaled: 60 single jump ropes AND 30 bar hops
               Perform a power clean then a front squat
               Use your knees to help lift you up if needed