Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday 20150227

Workout 15.1

Complete as many rounds as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 toes-to-bars
115-lb. deadlifts, 10 reps
115-lb. snatches, 5 reps

6 minutes to find 1-rep-max clean and jerk

Perform both workouts on a 15-minute clock, start Workout 15.1a immediately after finishing 15.1.Post rounds and reps completed for 15.1 and load for 15.1a to comments and/or register and submit your results as part of the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games Open.Top male and top female after both workouts will receive $2015. a6 minutes to find 1-rep-max clean and jerk
Perform both workouts on a 15-minute clock, start Workout 15.1a immediately after finishing 15.1.
Post rounds and reps completed for 15.1 and load for 15.1a to comments and/or register and submit your results as part of the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games Open.
Top male and top female after both workouts will receive $2015.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday 20150226

Warm up: 500m row,  50 air squats,  25 over/ unders
WOD: 8 min AMRAP
5 Hang snatches @ 95/45#
10 Box jumps @ 30/24"
6 rds for time

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday 20150225

Warm up: 500m row,  50 over/unders,  25 Burpees
WOD:25- 21-15-9
C2F Push ups
C2B Pull ups

Monday, February 23, 2015

Tuesday 20150224

Warm up: 400m run,  30 air squats,  20 sit ups, 10 burpees
WOD: 15min AMRAP
50 pistols
50 box jumps @ 24/20"
50 pistols
50 wallball shots @ 20/12#
50 pistols
50 squat thrusters @ 75/45#

Monday 20150223

Warm up: 100 single jumpropes
, 50 sprinter toe touches,
25 k2e
50 double unders
10  T2B

rest 1 min

5min AMRAP
100 double unders
5 Front Squats @ 135/95#

Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday 20150220

Warm up: 500m row,  50 over/unders
WOD: 6 rounds of
400m run
20 Spiderman push ups (1 for 1)
10 Overhead Squats @ 95/45#

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thursday 20150219

Warm up: 500m row,  50 air squats
WOD: " B.W.K."  Accuracy Test
Set up a tire, hanging or on a stand, 6' from ground
so that the center faces you.
20 min AMRAP
From 10m attempt to throw a football through the center.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wednesday 20150218

Warm up: 500m row,  40 push ups,  30 over/unders,
20 pull ups, 10 burpees
WOD: complete for time
Alternate using one bar.
Deadlifts @ 145/105#
Push Press @ 95/55#

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday 20150217

Warm up/ Skill: 100 double under, not 98, not 102.
WOD: 12 min AMRAP
10 GHDs
15 Box jupms @ 24/20"
20 Air Squats

Monday, February 16, 2015

Monday 20150216

Warm up: 30 air squats, 20 push ups,  10 burpees
WOD: complete as many 3 min rounds as possible
with increasing clean and press reps.
3 min
300m row
10 clean and press @ 95/55#

rest the remainder of the 3min, then

3 min
300m row
12 clean and press

3 min
300m row
14 clean and press

continue until you can't finish with in 3min.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Warm up: 400m run,  20 sit up - to - push ups
WOD: "Old Gregg" Friday the 13th

1300m row then,

13 rounds of

13 C2F push ups
13 Abmat sit ups
13 Pull ups
13 Russian twist @ 53/35#
13 Single arm KB swings @ 53/35#

Thursday 20150212

Warm up: 400m run,  40 push ups,  40 sit ups,  40
Mountain climbers
3 rounds of 5 one minute max rep exercises,
with a one min rest between rounds.
Row for calories
wallball shots @ 20/12#
Box jumps @ 24/20"
Squat thrusters @ 75/45#

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday 20150211

Warm up: 400m run,  30 air squats,  20 push ups, 100
Jump rope
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
*1 each @ 115/85#
Front squat
Back squat
Overhead squat
*1 each
Pull up
C2B pull up

*You must perform all 3 movements unbroken.
If you can not do all 3 squats without getting from
under the bar, it's a 5 wallball shot 20/12# penalty.
Same for pull up bar, once on the bar the 3 movements
must be unbroken or it's a 5 wallball shot 20/12#  penalty.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday 20150210

Warm up: 500m row,  50 sprinter toe touches,
50 over/ unders
WOD: 5 rounds of
20 abmat sit ups
25m overhead barbell walk @ 95#
10 burpees
25m overhead barbell walk @ 95#
5 push press @ 95#

Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday 20150209

Warm up: 50 double unders,  40 air squats,  30
push ups,  20 sit ups,  10 burpees
WOD: complete for time
1 mile run
100 mountain climbers
800m run
50 in and outs*
400m run
25 Burpees

*it's a 2 legged mountain climber, like the bottom of a burpee.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday 20150206

Warm up: 400m run,  30 push ups,  20 GHDs,
10 burpees
WOD: 5 rounds of
40 Double unders
30  KB swings @ 35/26#
20 Hang Cleans @  95/45#
10 Burpees

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thursday 20150205

Warm up: 500m row,  50 air squats, 50 push ups
WOD: Ascending/ descending
Pull ups (1- 10)
Deadlifts @ 135/95# (10 - 1)

Wednesday 20150204

Warm up: 500m row,  50m Overhead walking lunges (pvc
pipe), 25 over/unders
WOD: Breaking Benjamin
5 rounds of
5 Box Jumps @ 24/20"
200m run
10 Push Press @ 95#

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tuesday 20150203

Warm up: 400m run,  30 air squats,  20 pull ups,  100
single jumprope
WOD: complete for time:
500m row then,
5 rounds of:
50 Double unders
50m Bear Crawl

Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday 20150202

Warm up: 100 jumprope, 25 sit up -to - push ups,
WOD: 4 rounds of
30 abmat sit ups
20 C2F push ups
10 Squat cleans @ 135/95#