
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday 20150930

Warm up : 500m row,  25 mountain  climbers
WOD: 5 rounds of
30sec max rep double  crunch  sit ups
10sec rest
30sec  max rep KB swings @ 53/35#
10sec rest
30sec  wallball shots @ 20/12#
10sec rest

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday 20150929

Warm up: 500m row, 25 split jump lunges
5k run

Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday 20150925

Warm up: 500m row,  50 air squats,  25 hand release push ups
WOD: 3 rounds of
400m run
400m run backwards
30 squat thrusters @ 65/30#
15 reverse burpees

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday 20150924

Warm up: 800m run, 40 push ups, 20 sit ups
WOD: 3 Rounds of
10 Burpee bar hops
10m Overhead barbell walk @ 155/115#
5 Clean and Jerks @ 155/115#
10m Overhead barbell walk
20m alligator walk

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday 20150923

Warm up: 400m run,  30 over/ unders, 20 burpees, 100
single jumpropes
WOD: 3 rounds of
400m run
50 double unders
20 pull-ups

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday 20150922

Warm up: 500m row,  40 push ups,  30 abmat sit ups,
20 over/unders, 10 strict pull ups
WOD: YingYang 12min AMRAP
9 GHDs
6 KB swings @ 53/35#

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday 20150918

Warm up: 500m row,  25 split jump lunges,  25 over/ unders
WOD: 10min AMRAP
10 spiderman push ups (1 for 1)
2 clean and split jerks @ 75% bodyweight

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday 20150917

Warm up: 25 over/unders, 15 GHDs,  stretch


Row 908m
44 Push ups
44 Deadlifts @ 115/75#
44 Sit ups
44 KB swings @ 44/26#
44 wallball shots @20/12#
44 pull ups
44 Push press @ 45/30#
   Run 908m
44 Push press at 45/30#
44 Pull-ups
44 wallball shots @ 20/12#
44 KB swings @ 44/26
44 Sit ups
44 Deadlifts @ 115/75#
44 Push ups

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday 20150916

Warm up: 500m row,  25m samson stretch, 25m crab walk
25 over/unders
WOD: 3 rounds of
24 Box jumps @ 24/20"
16 Squat thrusters @ 95/50#
800m run

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday 20150914

Warm up: 400m run,  30 push ups,  20 air squats, 100 jumprope
WOD: 5 rounds of
200m row
15 hang clean and press @ 95/50#
100 double unders

Thursday 20150910

Warm up: 400m run,  30 air squats,  20 GHDs,  10 burpees
WOD: 12 min AMRAP
3 front squats @ 115/65#
6 abmat sit ups
9 box jumps @ 30"

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday 20150909

Warm up: 50 double unders,  40 push ups,  30 double unders, 20
Push ups,  10 SDHP @ 75% bodyweight
WOD: 10min AMRAP
150m row
5 Pull-ups (overhand)
5 ring dips

Monday, September 7, 2015

Tuesday 20150908

Warm up: 400m run, 20 static press @ 75#, 20 air squats
WOD: 4rounds of
23 wallball shots @ 20/12#
 7  Turkish get ups (ea arm) @ 35/18#


Monday 20150907


Warm up: 400m run,  30 push ups,  20 K2E,  100 jumprope
WOD: 5 rounds of
30 abmat sit ups
10 burpees
50 double unders