Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday 20160229

Warm up : 500m row,  25 shrugs @ 135#, 15 pull ups,
WOD : 4 rds of
*7 hang cleans @ 135/85#
25m farmers carry @ 45/25# plates
7 Deadlifts @ 225/135#

*Unbroken, one burpee for each hang clean remaining if you break and drop weights. And you must start each clean from a full extended position.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday 20160226

Crossfit Open 16.1
      20minute AMRAP
        25feet overhead walking lunges (95/65lbs)
          8 C2B pull ups
        25feet overhead walking lunges (95/65lbs)
          8 bar facing burpees

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday 20160225

Warm up: 500m row, 25 abmat sit ups, 25 over/unders
     WOD: 4 rounds
                 16 hollow rocks
                 12 bent over rows (75/45lbs)
                  8 weighted pull ups (30/20lbs)


Warm up: 500m run, 25 shoulder shrugs at 45lbs, 25 push ups, 25 air squats
     WOD: 8 minute cap
                  10 clean and jerks at 95lbs
                  10 clean and jerks at 115lbs
                  10 clean and jerks at 135lbs
       THEN for the remainder of the time perform front squats at 135lbs
        Post how many completed front squats

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tuesday 20160223

Warm up : 500m row, 25 over / unders, 25 push ups, 15 pull ups, 15 ring dips
WOD : 15 min AMRAP
12 KB swings @ 53 / 35#
9 Burpees
6 MU

Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday 20160222

Warm up :  25 over/unders, 15 shrugs @ 225/155#, 50 Double unders
WOD :  10min EMOTM
3 Hang snatches @ 95/55#

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Friday 20160219

Warm up: 500m row,  25 push ups,  25 air squats
WOD :  12 min AMRAP
3 Bench press @ 135/85#
6 Squat thrusters @ 95/65#
9 Calorie row

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thursday 20160218

Warm up :  400m run,   40 over/ unders,  10 weighed pull ups
WOD : 15 min AMRAP
50 Double unders
10 C2B pull ups
5 Deadlift @ 185#

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday 20160217

Warm up :  100 jump ropes ( 50 DU if skilled), 30 push ups,  30 air squats
Skill: tabata handstand
WOD :  5 Rounds of
400m run
20 air squats
5 wall climbs

Tuesday 20160216

Warm up :  500m row, 25 abmat sit ups,  15 static pull ups
WOD :  12 min AMRAP
15 K2E

Monday, February 15, 2016

Monday 20160215

Warm up : 400m run, 20 burpees, 10 static pull ups
WOD : 6 rds of
3 SDHP @ 115/85#
9 Thrusters @ 115/85#

Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday 20160212

Warm up: 400m run, 20 abmats, 20 burpees
800m run
20 pull ups
800m row
20 ring dips
800m run
20 GHDs
800m row
20 Muscle ups

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thursday 20160211

Warm up : 500m row, 50 DU, 10 medball clean squats
WOD : 15 min AMRAP
15 calorie row
7 box jump overs @ 24/20"
3 squat cleans @ 135/95#

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wednesday 20160210

Warm up : 800m run,  40 air squats, 20 hand release
Push ups
WOD : 9 min AMRAP
3 ring dips
6 dumbbell push press @ 25/15#
9 wallball shots to a 9ft target @ 20/14#

Monday, February 8, 2016

Tuesday 20160209

Warm up: 500m row,  30 split jump lunges,  20 over/unders, 20 overhead pvc pipe  squats
WOD : 5 rounds of :
5 Hang clean split jerks @ 95/50#
10 Hang Snatch Squats @ 95/50#
50 Double unders

Monday 20160208

Warm up : 400m run, 20 push ups, 20 abmat sit ups
WOD : 4 rounds of
800m run
40 sprinter toe touches  (l+r=2)
10 - 8 count push ups (burpees with 2 push ups)

Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday 20160205

Warm up : 500m row, 25 push ups, 25 overhead (pvc) squats
WOD : Master's Chipper from 2015 Games
For time:
10 Deadlits @ 275/255/185#
20 Pull-ups
30 Box jumps @ 24/20#
40 Kettlebell swings @ 53/35#
50 Double-unders
40 Kettlebell swings
30 Box jumps
20 Pull-ups
10 Deadlits

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Thursday 20160204

(SEE 20130412)

Warm up: 500M Row, 25 over/unders , 25 air squats 

Stretch: legs

WOD: complete for time:

95# (barbell) squat thrusters, 21 reps
 400m run with 20# medball
115# squat thrusters, 15 reps
 400m run with 20# medball
135# squat thrusters, 9 reps
 400m run with 20# medball

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Wednesday 20160203

Warm up : 50 push ups,
Skill : 10 min to find deadlift 1 rep max
WOD : 10 min AMRAP
250m  row
15 bench press @ 95/55#


Warm Up: 500 meter row, 25 push ups, 25 air squats, 25 over/unders
   WOD 1: EMOTM for 10 minutes
                   3 push press at 75% bodyweight OR 75% max
      Rest for 5 minutes THEN
   WOD 2: 10 minute AMRAP
                   10 GHD sit ups (scaled: abmat sit ups)
                   15 kettlebell swings (53/35lbs)

Tuesday 20160202

Warm up : 500m row, 20 sit up-to-push ups, 20 over/unders
Skill : 10min EMOTM 3 Push press @ 75% 1 rep max
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
15 Kettle bell  swings @ 53/35#