
Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday 20150731

Warm up: 400m run,  500m row,  20 sit up to push ups
WOD: " The Hopper" 30 min AMRAP
♡- Boxjumps @ 24/20"
◇- Double crunch sit ups
Spades- Push press @ 95/65#
Clubs- KB swings @ 53/35#

Face cards = 10
Aces= 15

No jokers

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Thursday 20150730

Warm up: 400m run,  20 GHDs,  20 push ups
WOD: complete for time
25 calories on the rower
25 HR Burpees
50 Romanian Deadlifts @ 95/80#
50m Kung fu grip carry @ 25#
75 thrusters @ 45/30#
1 mile run

Wednesday 20150729

Warm up: 400m run,  20 sit ups,  20 over/ unders,  20 air squats
WOD: complete for time
1000m row
10 alt. single arm dumbbell snatch squat @ 40/25#
50 GHDs
5 Snatch squats @ 155/95#

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday 20150728

Warm up: 500m row, 25 back extensions, 25 GHD sit ups
50 Double unders
40 T2B
50 Double unders
30 K2E
50 Double unders
20 C2B pull ups
50 Double unders
10 Muscle ups
50 Double unders

Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday 20150727

Warm up: 400m run,  20 c2b pull ups,  10 clean and press @ 95/75#
WOD: Complete for time
80 calories on the rower
20 shoulder to overhead @ 135/95#
40 hang cleans @ 135/95#
60 deadlifts @ 135/95#

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Wednesday 20150722

Warm up: 400m run,  20 push ups,  20 sit ups
500m row
50 C2F push-ups
50 Abmat sit ups
50 pull ups
50 box jumps @ 24/20"
50 Burpees

Monday, July 20, 2015

Tuesday 20150721

Warm up: 500m row,  25 air squats, 25 over/ unders
WOD: " Karen"
150 wallballs @ 20/12#

Monday 20150720

Warm up: 25m walking lunges, 20 split jump lunges
15 GHDs, 10 burpees
WOD: "Griff"
800m run
400m run backwards
800m run
400m run backwards

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Friday 20150717

Warm up: 100 jumprope,  25 GHDs,  25m samson stretch
WOD: 6 rounds of
30 Abmat sit ups
15 Squat thrusters @ 75/50#
400m run

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thursday 20150716

Warm up: 500m row,  25 push ups,  15 pull ups,
25 barbell press @ 45/30#
WOD: complete for time
5 rounds of:
10 weighted push ups @ 45/25#
5 clean and jerk @ 135/95#

5min rest

5 rounds of:
10 squat cleans @ 135/95#

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Wednesday 20150715

Warm up: 400m run,  25 push ups,  25m walking lunges
WOD: 15min AMRAP
200m run
12 Burpee Box Jumps @ 24/20"

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tuesday 20150714

Warm up: 500m row,  25 diamond push-up,  25 db squats
WOD: "Cindy" 20min AMRAP
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 air squats

Monday, July 13, 2015

Monday 20150713

Warm up: 400m run,  30 push ups,  20 sit ups,  10 burpees
Skill: 10min to find Snatch 1RM
WOD: complete for time
25 GHDs
50 Double unders
75 Snatches @ 75#(Randy)
1 mile run

Friday, July 10, 2015

Friday 20150710

Warm up: 500m row,  25 GHDs, 25 over/ unders
2 × 200m Sprint
       20 KB swings @ 53/35#
       80 sprinter toe touches
2 × 400m run
       20 KB swings @ 53/35#
       40 double crunch sit ups
 1 × 800m run
        20 KB swings @ 53/35#
        20 v-ups with medball @ 20/12#

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thursday 20150709

Warm up: 400m run,  20 diamond push-ups, 20 GHDs
WOD:  complete for time
1000m row then,
10 down to 1
C2B pull ups
Bench press @ bodyweight

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wednesday 20150708

Warm up: 500m row,  25m samson stretch, 25 over/ unders
WOD: 15min AMRAP
 Triple Nickel
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Squat thrusters
5 Overhead squats

male 95# female 50#

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tuesday 20150707

Warm up: 500m row,  25 abmat sit ups,  25 air squats

WOD: complete for time
800m run
40 Double unders
20 GHDs
40 wallball shots @ 20/12#
800m run

Monday, July 6, 2015

Monday 20150706

Warm up: 400m run,  30 push ups,  30 sit ups, 30 air squats

WOD: 3 rounds of
15 Burpee pull ups
10 Front squats @ 115/65#
5 Back squats @ 225/135#

Friday, July 3, 2015

Friday 20150703

Warm up: 400m run,  30 push ups, 20 air squats,  10
C2B pull ups
Skill: Bench press max 2-2-2
WOD: 15min AMRAP
5 Hang cleans @ 135/75#
15 T2B

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Thursday 20150702

Warm up: 500m row,  20 box jumps @ 24", 10 static pull
WOD: 5 rounds of
400m run
20 Burpee bar hops
5 Snatches @ 75% body weight

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wednesday 20150701

Warm up: 500m row,  25 over/unders, 50 abmat sit ups,
25 air squats
WOD: 12-10-8-6-4-2
Squat thrusters @ 95/50#
*Muscle ups

*c2b/ ring dips for scale

Tuesday 20150630

Warm up: 400m run,  400m row,  40 over/unders,
40 air squats
WOD: 21-15-9
Deadlift @ 150% body weight
Overhead squats @ 50% body weight