
Monday, July 30, 2012

Tuesday 20120731

Warm Up: Basic(jumprope)
WOD: 5 rounds for time:
-Run 800m
-Rest 2 min

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Monday 20120730

Warm Up: Basic (run)
WOD: Three  5 Min rounds with a 1 min rest in between:
1min pull ups
1min double crunch sit ups
1min kb swings 35#m/26#f
1min box jumps 24"m/20"f
1min double under jumpropes
AMRAP added together each round, i.e. 20 pu,12su,15kbs,10bj,20du=77reps for that round.
Keep a running total from one exercise to the next and start over on next 2 rounds.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Friday 20120727

Warm up: Basic (run)
WOD: 15 min AMRAP
15 reverse burpees
10 c2f push ups
5 overhead squats @ 95#

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Thursday 20120726

Warm Up: Basic (run)
Skill/Strength: 20 GHD sit ups
WOD: 3 rounds of:
30 Abmat sit ups
20 Double Unders

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Wednesday 20120725

Warm Up: Basic (run)
WOD: 1round for time:
Row 500m (resistance 5)
   21-15-9 quick change
-shoulder press 95#m/65#f
-deadlift 90# above shoulder press
(use shoulder press bar and add a pair of 45#)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Tuesday 20120724

Warm Up: Basic (jumprope)
WOD: 5 rounds of :
400m run with 45# plate (any carry)
20 split jump lunges with 45# plate overhead
     barely touch knee to ground

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Monday 20120723

Warm Up: Basic
Skill/Strength: 10-8-6-4-2-1 Sumo Deadlift High-pull
Start with 10 @ 50% bodyweight and increase by 20#
15 Kettle Bell swings 53#
10 Burpees

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday 20120720

Warm Up: Basic (run)
skill/strength: L-sit (1 min total each leg, time stops if extended foot touches ground)
WOD: 10 rounds of:
10 Air squats
10 Pull ups
10 Sprinter sit ups (l+r = 1)
10 Box jumps 24"
10 Spider Man push ups (1 for 1)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thursday 20120719

Warm up: Basic (jumprope)
WOD: "Jack-n-the-Box"
400m run
400m backwards
10 sets of 1deadlift, 1 clean, and 1 clean and press @ 75#m/45#f
50 mountain climbers 1per
10 sets of 1deadlift, 1 clean, and 1 clean and press @ 75#m/45#f
400m backwards
400m run

Wednesday 20120718

Warm Up: Basic (jumprope)
WOD: 3 rounds
50 AB Mat sit ups
25 weighted push ups 45#m/25#f
200m sprint

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday 20120717

Warm Up: Basic (run)
WOD: 3 rounds
30 wallball shots 20#m/12#f
20 double unders
10 cleans 115#m/75#f

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Monday 20120616

Warm up: Basic(run)
Skill/Strength: Snatch 3-3-3
WOD:10 min AMRAP
10 L-squats (5ea)
10 Burpees
10 V-ups w/ medball 10 lbs.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Friday 20120713

Warm up: Basic (jumprope)
WOD: 5 rounds of
25m Kung Fu grip carry 45# plates
20 Explosive push ups on 2 x 45# plates
25m Kung Fu grip carry 45# plates
10 Box jumps 30"
400m run

Thursday 20120712

Warm up: Basic (run)
Skill/Strength: 10 HSPU (hold hand stand for 2-3 sec between push ups)
WOD:       "FRAN"
               21 - 15 - 9
- Squat Thrusters @ 95#m/55#f
- Pull Ups

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday 20120711

Warm up: basic (run)
Strength/ Skill: 10 shoulder press @ 135#, then walk 20m with the 135# overhead
WOD: 1 round
500m row set at 5 resistance (50 SDHP@ 50# for sub)
100 abmat sit ups
75 c2f push ups
50 k2e
25 sprinter sit ups (l/r=1)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday 20120710

Warm up: Basic
WOD: 3rounds of
800m run
15 KB squat/ swings 53#
50 Double unders

Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday 20120709

Warm up: Basic
Skill/Strength: Gunz a go-go (10 each-  static dumbbell curls, hammer dumbbell curls, straight barbell curls) pick weights that allow you to do 8 good reps with last 2 being tough.
WOD: 5 rounds of:
5 ring dips
10 overhand grip pull ups
10 push ups with l/r dumbell row (m-25#/f-15#)
5 box jumps (m- 30"/f-24")

Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday 20120706

Warm Up: Basic (jumprope) Stretch your hamstrings!!
Skill/Strength: sprints 10 x 100yard dash, walk back to startline
and try to stay consistant with your time.
start with 1 push up then 1 deadlift @ 205
increasing  1 rep each set 2,2 3,3 etc.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Thursday 20120705

Warm up: Basic (run)
skill/strength:  overhead squat  (3x10) increase weight each set i.e. 75#,95#115#
WOD: 15 min AMRAP
10 wall ball shots 20#
20 sprinter sit ups (1 per)
5 standing long jumps 5ft

Wednesday 20120704

Warm Up: Basic (run)
WOD:Freedom is not free
200 fwd jump rope
100 backward jumpropes
65 double unders
= 365 days in country
150 wall ball shots 20#
= the temps in Iraq
90 pull ups
= days pre-mob or de-mob
47 box jumps 24"
= type of aircraft we fly and work on
24 bench press @ 135#
= hours we are working a day  (our pay per hour sucks)
18 tire flip burpees
= age of the youngest soldiers fighting
7 deadlifts 225#
= the number of friends we carry in our memories from last deployment
1 mile run
= The most important number! Take care of #1, so you can take care of others
    and return to your family and friends.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday 20120703

Warm up: Basic (jumprope)
WOD: 3 rounds of
30 abmat sit ups
30 weighted crunchies 35#
30 kb swings 35#
200m run

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Monday 20120702

Warm Up: Basic (jumprope)
WOD: 4 rounds of
20 Floor Sweepers  135# (10 each side)
10 Hang Cleans 135#
400m run