
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday 20130228

Warm up: Basic (row)
Stretch: shoulders
WOD: One round for time:
all start from ground @ 115#
3 deadlifts
3 cleans
3 clean and press
3 clean and press and front squat
3 clean and press and squat thruster
3 clean and press, squat thruster and finish with overhead squat

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday 20130227

Warm up: Basic (row)
Stretch: core
WOD:one round of:
25 GHD sit ups
25 Wallball shots @ 20#
25 Double crunch sit ups
25 Double unders
25 Abmat sit ups
25 Burpees

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday 20130226

Warm up: Basic (jumprope)
Stretch: tricep and hip flexors
WOD: 15 min AMRAP
10 SDHP @ 95#
10 ring dips
10 diamond push ups

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday 20130225

Warm up: basic (run)
Stretch: legs
WOD: 4 rounds of
100 backwards jumprope
10 front squats @ 165#
1 box jump @ 36"

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Friday 20130222

Warm up: Basic (row)
Stretch: everything
WOD: complete one round of:
50 overhand pull ups
400m run
30 squat thrusters @ 75#/55#
20 t2b
10 deadlifts @ 205#/165#
20 burpees
30 snatches @ 75#/55#
400m run
50 underhand pull ups

Thursday 20130221

Warm up: Basic (run)
Stretch: legs and core
WOD: 4 rounds of:
50 abmat sit ups
25m walking lunges with 25# plate over head
50 sprinter sit ups (1 for 1)
25m shuffle with 25# plate

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday 20130220

Warm up: basic(run)
Stretch: shoulders
WOD: 50 hang clean and press @ 95#
*there is a 20 double under foul if you put the bar on the ground to rest,
**there is a 10 pull up foul if you don't go unbroken on DU,
*** there is a 5 push up foul if you dont go un broken on pull ups.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday 20130219

Warm up: basic (run)
Stretch: legs and shoulders
WOD: 30-20-10
overhead squat @ 75#
24" box jumps

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday 20130218

Warm up: basic (row)
Stretch: shoulders, back, and arms
Strength: weighted pullups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
WOD: 10 min AMRAP :
10 weighted push up 25# plate
20 weighted russian twist sit ups 25# plate (or whatever works for you)
twist demo

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday 20130215

Warm up: Basic (run)
Stretch: a little shoulders, a little legs
Skill/Strength: row 500m, then start wod immediately
WOD: 6 rounds of:
7 dead lifts @ 285#
11 pull ups
30 double unders

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Thursday 20130214


Warm up: basic (run)
Stretch: legs and shoulders
WOD: 5 Rounds of
21 spider-man push ups (L+R =1)
15 KB Swings @ 53#
9 Squat thrusters @ 115#

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tuesday 20130212

Warm up: basic (run)
Stretch: shoulders, legs
WOD:  "Isabel" 
30 snatches @ 135#, ground to overhead

Demo : rich froning

Monday 20130211

Warm up: basic (jumprope)
Stretch: chest and back
Skill: kippin or butterfly pull up (work about 15 min on motion)
WOD: 30-20-10
ring push ups (rings 12" off floor)
ring pull up rows (rings 36" off floor)   

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday 20130208

Warm up: basic (row)
Stretch: hamstring,glutes, quads
WOD: 5 cycles of 3minute AMRAP with a 1 minute rest
- 3 cleans @ 135#m/95#f
- 6 push ups
- 9 air squats

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Thursday 20130207

Warm up: basic (jump rope)
Stretch: legs and core
10 ea pistols
20 reverse burpees

Wednesday 20130206

Warmup: basic (run)
Stretch: shoulders
WOD: 21-15-9
strict pull up (use band if needed)
push press @ 135#

Monday, February 4, 2013

Tuesday 20130205

Warm up: basic (row)
Stretch: legs
WOD: 3rounds of
800m run
15 KB squat/ swings 53#
50 Double unders

see Tuesday-20120710

Monday 20130204

Warm up: Basic (run)
Stretch: shoulders, quads,and hamstrings
Skill/Strength: Bench press max 2-2-2
Start with 1 push up, then 1 deadlift @ 205
increasing 1 rep each set 1,1,2,2 3,3 etc.

see Friday 20120706

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday 20130201

Warm up : Basic (run)
Stretch: shoulders and back
WOD: 3 rounds of
30  pull ups
30 handstand push ups on abmat with 45# plates